Instantly Ageless: Reduce The Appearance of Fine Lines & Dark Circles Under Your Eyes
Our eyes are our most beautiful feature but are you facing the issue (pardon the pun) of annoying dark circles or swollen skin under your eyes? If yes, then no doubt you might have applied many tricks to get rid of these already.
But... did you know Paw Paw Ointment, a famous skincare product in it's own right, can also help abolish the irritating wrinkles, redness or darkness in the area under your eyes? It's been around for years and more recently has gained huge popularity with its numerous uses. Our Bondi Kiss paw paw ointment is derived from Papaw fruit that has proved to be the secret behind creating improved skin under the eyes.
You might be wondering; is it really safe, and how should it be applied?
The application of paw paw ointment is very simple. Before applying you need to cleanse the area under your eyes. You can use any normal cleanser, toner or moisturiser. If your fresh out of all these a splash of cold, clean water will do the trick.
Next, simply apply a small thin layer of the Paw Paw Ointment directly underneath your eyes. Be sure not to get any in your eyes, although it is completely organic and safe to use it's best just to use a small amount.
And voila!
A regular use of this magical product is sure to help get rid of wrinkles & dark rings and rejuvenate the skin under your eyes.